God's Answer to Lonliness
Loneliness is a feeling of disconnection from the world around you. We can be surrounded by people and even those that love us and still have this empty feeling inside that we are all alone which teaches us that it is a state of mind and not a state of circumstances although many of us have circumstances that easily cause us to believe is the problem. Our world is plagued by loneliness and it is the silent killer in many homes everywhere. Loneliness can cause such an empty feeling inside that we become overwhelmed by it and we distance ourselves from those that love us and associate ourselves with people and circumstances that cause us even greater harm. Many broken homes are the result of one of the spouses feeling lonely and dis-connected from those that love them and go looking for that elusive butterfly that they believe will fill that empty gap inside only to find eventually the problem is still there. We all want to be loved and feel connected to someone and have people that appreciate us and that is the way God made us. Since that is the way God made us than I need to know what is God answer for me so that I don’t feel this way. —God said the most profound statement to Moses when He asked His name and God said I Am that I AM. But what does that mean to us as Christians practically? —Simply God is saying to us I Am your Savior-Your Lord-Your Comforter-your Healer-Your strength-your Shield-your Life-and whatever you will ever need in life I AM that too you! Though for many this answer is too simplistic but in reality it is the strength and comfort for all believers who follow Christ. We see this through the many stories of Christians who have been persecuted all over the world with seemingly unbearable circumstances and yet when they are released they speak of a peace and joy and strength that the Lord gave them during their tortures and persecutions that defy any logic. If God can do that for them under those horrible circumstances He can do it for us in ours. God promises He will be all you need in every circumstance of your life and He will be with you working everything for your good and that is a promise (Romans 8:28) and there is nothing that can separate us from His wonderful love (Romans 8:35) and He is able to meet the needs of our soul in every way and in every situation in life. —This reality is the key to true fulfillment in life for everyone regardless of your circumstances in life. There are many who truly love God and are true believers but in this area of their life they struggle with un-belief that God can really fulfill them completely no matter what their circumstances are. God said He created us to have fellowship with Him but He also said after He created Adam that it was not good that He was alone so He being the Creator provided for His creation what was needed to be truly complete. Jesus said in (John 10;10) I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly which is His intention for all of us and this comes through abiding in Him. —-How do we abide in Him that no matter what is happening in our life we are shielded from it adversely effecting our lives. —James tells us in James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. We draw close to God by spending quality time with Him by daily reading the bible and bringing all the circumstance of our life to Him through prayer and going to church spending time with others in fellowship and being taught the scriptures.The investment of time that we do this will be the extent that we benefit by doing it. He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.( 2 Cor. 9:6) —I cannot stress enough the importance of this truth —Secondly we are fulfilled when we are being used by God to pray for and minister to those that are hurting. Ask God to open doors for you that you can serve Him in some way. —-If you cant think of any I have a suggestion for you. Read the replies of those on my Facebook posts at jimmykempner777 and you will find many people who by their comments could use your prayers and encouragement. Loving God and letting Him love you back and then being about our Fathers business in what is the true fulfillment in life and there is nothing that can replace that so let us pray that God will heal all who are being tormented by loneliness to receive the comfort and healing they need. Say this Prayer now giving it over to the Lord Jesus. Father I pray that you will heal me completely from the damage that loneliness has caused in my life. If there is anything or anyone in my life that is not according to your will then give me the strength to let go and follow you completely. Heal the damage in my heart that this has caused and give me the faith to know and believe that you will always be sufficient and will provide for me what I need to truly experience that abundant life you have promised. I ask for your peace and joy that comes thru being close to you and trusting you for all my needs and I ask this in Jesus name. Amen If you said that prayer then God heard you and will do as you have asked because you have asked according to His will.
God's Answer to fear and depression

 Fear and Depression Fear and depression can cripple a persons ability to live a normal life and often does. Once it takes hold of you it consumes your thoughts and emotions effecting your health causing sleepless nights and eventual emotional breakdown.The more it takes control the less you are able to do anything about it and it feels like you are dying a slow death. It can be triggered by feelings of hopelessness, overwhelmed by loneliness, and it happens when we are stretched beyond our ability to cope. Life is full of tragedy and heartbreak and sadly many are suffering from fear and depression but there is an answer for the believer in Christ. The answer is found in Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Bible says if we keep our mind on the Lord He will keep us in perfect peace. God perfect peace does not not allow for fear and depression to stay. Question is how does someone keep their mind stayed on the Lord. Does this mean we have to sit in a chair all day long and only think about God? No but it does mean is that we live a lifestyle that keeps God close to us so that our fears and depression have no place in our lives. The bible says “if we sow sparingly we reap sparingly and if we sow abundantly we reap abundantly.” How much we invest our time with God through prayer and reading His word daily and spending time with others that love God will determine how deep our relationship will be with Him. We were created to have fellowship with God and when that happens we are whole and the weaknesses of our flesh no longer can control our lives.Our bodies need water, food, and sleep to survive and so our spirits need God word, prayer, and fellowship which keeps our mind stayed on Him and then the negative thoughts have no power over us. Jesus said “I have come that they might have life and that more abundantly.” Its time you are set free from all fear and depression so choose now to sow abundantly everyday to get closer to God. God says in James “You draw close to me and I will draw close to you.” Wow what a promise God gives to us who seek Him. Father in Jesus name heal through the power of your Spirit all those reading this post from the power that fear and depression and anxiety has had over them and may your peace that passes all understanding flood their minds and hearts and heal their wounded souls from the enemies work of deception in the name of Jesus we pray Amen.

Fear and depression can cripple a persons ability to live a normal life and often does. Once it takes hold of you it consumes your thoughts and emotions effecting your health causing sleepless nights and eventual emotional breakdown.The more it takes control the less you are able to do anything about it and it feels like you are dying a slow death. It can be triggered by feelings of hopelessness, overwhelmed by loneliness, and it happens when we are stretched beyond our ability to cope. Life is full of tragedy and heartbreak and sadly many are suffering from fear and depression but there is an answer for the believer in Christ. The answer is found in Isaiah 26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You. Bible says if we keep our mind on the Lord He will keep us in perfect peace. God perfect peace does not not allow for fear and depression to stay. Question is how does someone keep their mind stayed on the Lord. Does this mean we have to sit in a chair all day long and only think about God? No but it does mean is that we live a lifestyle that keeps God close to us so that our fears and depression have no place in our lives. The bible says “if we sow sparingly we reap sparingly and if we sow abundantly we reap abundantly.” How much we invest our time with God through prayer and reading His word daily and spending time with others that love God will determine how deep our relationship will be with Him. We were created to have fellowship with God and when that happens we are whole and the weaknesses of our flesh no longer can control our lives.Our bodies need water, food, and sleep to survive and so our spirits need God word, prayer, and fellowship which keeps our mind stayed on Him and then the negative thoughts have no power over us. Jesus said “I have come that they might have life and that more abundantly.” Its time you are set free from all fear and depression so choose now to sow abundantly everyday to get closer to God. God says in James “You draw close to me and I will draw close to you.” Wow what a promise God gives to us who seek Him. Father in Jesus name heal through the power of your Spirit all those reading this post from the power that fear and depression and anxiety has had over them and may your peace that passes all understanding flood their minds and hearts and heal their wounded souls from the enemies work of deception in the name of Jesus we pray Amen.
God's Answer to Hopelessness
When someone is losing or has lost all hope it becomes a very overwhelming situation. It is like the sun has refused to shine in our life and all that was treasured in life is gone and life has become meaningless and facing each day becomes an impossible task. It is like the sun has disappeared in life and now all that is seen is darkness and clouds. To all who have lost hope I have great news for you and that is the God of the Bible is called the God of ALL hope (Romans 15:13). This is because no matter how dark and hopeless your situation when you put your hope in God there is not a situation in life that He can not help you out of and bring hope back into your life. God says I Am God and there is not anything that is to hard for me (Jeremiah 32:27). God also says I want you to cast all your care upon me because I care for you (1Peter5:7). The big question is how do we do this? We were created so that the only true fullfillment in life is through being in a close loving relationship with our creator. It is the way He made us and we we have a close relationship with God then everything in life starts fitting into place. That’s means we needs to take our eyes off our problems and put them wholly on our creator who desires to bless us more than we could ever imagine and In order to be successful in letting God bless your life abundantly all 3 of these things I tell you need to be done together consistently in order for me He Lord blessing to be in your life.To continue steadfastly is the key to a successful Christian life because it shows passion with intensity. –The first priority is to read the Bible daily for at least 15 minutes because God speaks to us mainly through His Word. –Secondly we need to have a daily prayer life where we cast all our hearts burdens on the Lord and seek His direction in all that we do. –Thirdly we find a church to go and worship and get taught the word of God and interact with others and develop relationships with those who have a heart to follow God.Remember the Bible says be not weary in well doing because in time you will see God hand and answers to all your life situations. If you do these things faithfully and consistently you will see God fill your life with hope and love more than you could ever imagine and if you did them at one time but quit doing them then to you I say come home and do these crucial things for your happiness again. Let’s pray! Father we pray that you would forgive and heal us from the hopelessness that has taken over my life. Give me strength and the will to do these things that allow you to come into my life that I might live the abundant life you promised And bring back the hope my heart needs to love the life you have for me in Jesus name I pray Amen Now share this hope we have in Jesus