A hurting world needs a loving God! Jesus His Son came to earth to heal us of our spiritual disease that has been destroying us. (SIN). He loves us so much and He created us and thus knows how to fix the things that have gone wrong in our lives.

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My Vision

My vision is to INSPIRE PEOPLE TO FOLLOW JESUS AND FEARLESSLY CHANGE THE WORLD and I hope you will join me in this calling.  I Simply put trusting Him to do what we can’t – heal, transform, renew, forgive, provide, and sustain. Through our stories, He is glorified, lives are changed, and our communities are impacted. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we have a place for you.

Evangelism Outreach

We believe it is vital to experience Jesus in community. That’s why we gather to celebrate Him in our churches each weekend. All of our experiences are designed with one idea – to draw you closer to God. Whether through music, story, video, teaching or response time, we strive to create space for life-changing encounters with Him. Our hope is that you would be encouraged, challenged and renewed with a sense of His great love for you, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.

Jimmy’s Messages

Jimmy has been an evangelist for many years. And, feels now that the best focus of his time can be used to promote the gospel through the various social medias. Also, to encourage the believers to stay strong and stay close to the one that died for their sins giving them the power to live life more abundantly. 

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God has called us to serve those in need and to promote the gospel that makes men whole again.

Outreach Ministries is committed to doing ministry the way Jesus did, and having the greatest Kingdom impact possible. We aim to mobilize the church, with the power of the gospel and change the world as much as God’s will allows.

Evangelist | Jimmy Kempner

Evangelist and Host of the Calvary Chapel Maranatha Concerts and Founding Pastor of Calvary Chapel Spokane Washington also Founder and CEO of Frontline Music Group and Frontline Book Publishing and the Executive Producer and small part actor of the movie “Fury to Freedom” and host of the television shows Live in Concert and Changing Lives shown live on Trinity Broadcasting Studios. A volunteer Police and Sheriff Chaplain for many years and volunteer counsellor at the Orange County Jails andAlumni member of the FBI Citizens Academy of Los Angeles.